Cryptocurrency popularity in Argentina is high

A study determined that the natives of the region maintain an 80% confidence in digital assets, some of the highest in Latin America

A study from Spain determined that the popularity of cryptocurrencies in Argentina is 80%.

According to the investigation, this is because the natives of Argentina have little confidence towards public institutions, among other things.

On the other hand, it indicates that this is a normal attitude in countries where trust towards central banks is almost nil.

It is for this reason that the highest values ​​are observed in Latin America; with the Argentines at the top of the list, followed by Mexicans and Brazilians.

One of the points that the study wanted to highlight is that such trust towards cryptocurrencies falls when citizens have full confidence in their governments and their fiat currencies, such is the case of Germany, the United States, Great Britain, France and Spain with 71% , 67%, 64%, 64% and 51% respectively.

K. Tovar

Source: Criptotendencia

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