Contactless payment system increases in Europe

MasterCard is the main company behind the rapid growth in the use of the contactless payment system through credit and debit cards, smartphones, smart cards and other devices

The speed and security provided by wireless technologies are two of the main features that have contributed to the increase in contactless payments in Europe.

MasterCard is the main consortium behind this payment method that incorporates the identification by radiofrequency in transactions with credit and debit cards, smart cards, key rings, smartphones and other electronic equipment.

According to a recent study by MasterCard, “contactless technology continues to grow month by month, which in a short time has become the most widely adopted form of payment, both in Europe and in the Spanish market.” In fact, in Spain 57% of the payments made with MasterCard are without contact.

The system is increasingly used by customers thanks to the speed of transactions and the security it offers. Thanks to the trust of users in Europe it is estimated that contactless payments increased by 97%.

Currently, it is estimated that in 15 European markets this form of consumption cancellation is booming, especially in Denmark, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland and Russia.

Given the increase in the familiarity of people with the technologies applied to the banking, commercial and financial sector, the contactless payment method has become a revolutionary tool that continues to gain followers.


Source: Marketing4Ecommerce

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