Commercial uncertainty creates distrust in consumers

For the month of September, this indicator showed a decrease from the 134.2 integers registered in August to 125.1

Consumer confidence in the United States declined in September to 125.1 points, from the 134.2 integers registered in August, according to the index prepared by the consultant The Conference Board.

Also, the index that measures how consumers perceive the current situation of the economy has dropped from 176 points in August to 169 integers, while the one that measures expectations worsened from 106.4 last month to 95, September 8th.

“Consumers were less positive in their assessment of current conditions and their short-term expectations also weakened. The escalation in the trade war and tariff tensions at the end of August seem to have disturbed consumers,” explained the director of Economic indicators of The Conference Board, Lynn Franco.

As he added, the pattern of uncertainty and volatility has “persisted” for much of the past year, so it could represent a danger if it ends up affecting consumer confidence in economic expansion.

The data from The Conference Board also shows that the percentage of consumers who claim that current conditions are “good” fell to 37.3%, from 40.9% in August, while those who declared that they are “bad” they were 12.7%, almost three points more than the previous month.

K. Tovar

Source: Eldiario

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