Colombia had a good risk capital raising
The Crunchbase platform said the coffee producer stood out as one of the countries with more emerging entrepreneurship systems than others
A report prepared by the Crunchbase business information platform determined that Colombia stood out as one of the countries with the best performance in raising risk capital.
“Figures like this help us to reaffirm that local talent is the main asset we have to position Bogota as a capital of dynamic entrepreneurship and innovation”, said the executive director of the Invest in Bogota promotion agency, Juan Gabriel Perez.
The study affirms that the growth of this indicator was 236% during 2019, surpassing countries such as Australia, India, Switzerland and Brazil.
The report also values Colombia as one of the few nations on the list to grow in the number of businesses closed during 2019, as the country’s enterprises received 16 capital fund investments.
“We are very happy that Colombia is in the first place of attraction of investment of early stage. Although it is necessary to bear in mind that this behavior of 2019 is due in good part to the 1,000 million dollars that SoftBank invested in Rappi”, assured the Secretary of Economic Development of Bogota, Carolina Durán.
K. Tovar
Source: Bancaynegocios