Chinese hackers attack 10 telephone operators

Attackers are able to develop much simpler, large-scale techniques to access private data on mobile devices

The new report from security firm Cybereason reported that a group of hackers allegedly linked to China compromised the systems of 10 mobile phone operators on a global scale to remove metadata linked to specific people.

The researchers assume that users and hackers are linked to the management of Xi Jinping, although their identities have not yet been confirmed.

The sophistication and breadth of the attack have all the characteristics of a government-sponsored action, since the objectives of the operation were military and dissident civilians linked to China.

The operation was called Operation Softcell and the companies that were victims of the attack were located in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe.

The researchers described harassment as a cat-and-mouse game between assailants and security specialists. That is, the hacker stopped the attack when it was detected that the servers had been compromised.

The experts found no evidence that any US telephone provider had been affected by the attacks. Undoubtedly, the discovery is likely to increase tensions between the United States and China.


Source: Tekcrispy

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