Chile to create a defense agency against cyberattacks

The country looks to protect delicate data in all areas of national activity to update its obsolete laws concerning cybersecurity

Chile analyzes the creation of a protection agency against cyberattacks aimed at the protection of data from financial fields, banks, education and health platforms as well as delicate information from the political sphere.

The last laws in the country concerning this area were launched in the decade of the ’90s, so Chile has been considered underdeveloped and comparable to Rwanda or Cameroons.

Through the creation of an agency for the defense against cyberattacks, Chile looks to adapt to current international norms, and also avoid cyber crimes such as data theft, espionage, scams, among others.

The order was issued from the presidential office to the Ministry of Internal Affaires, where a an economic group was assigned to work on the modernization of Internet security.

A key case on the adoption of this measure was the filtration of data from 14.071 credit cards issued by a dozen banks, included Santander, Banco de Chile and BBVA.

According to the last Global Cybersecurity Index from International Telecommunications Unit (ITU) the South American country is still far from reaching the standards of leading countries like the United States and Russia.



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