Chatbots to favor educational development

Automated technologies represent an evolution in the field of education

Personalized education is the bet of teachers and researchers. To achieve this they rely on a technological tool formerly exclusive of the financial and business world. It is about the chatbots, computerized programs that allow to request information or service and also execute an action according to the corresponding command.

In the educational sector, chatbots can help identify the needs and requirements of each student with the aim of providing the most appropriate attention to their queries and foster advances in their learning process.

The application of these computerized programs in education does not imply the disappearance of teachers. On the contrary, they are the perfect ally to allow them a greater range of maneuver and a wider scope. That is to say, thanks to the facilities offered by chatbots, teachers will be able to reach a greater number of students in less time.

Covering the academic goals will be easier and more efficient. However, technological advances demand in turn a greater preparation of teachers, who become virtual experts in different areas of knowledge in order to achieve efficient use of innovations.

The role of the teachers will evolve towards remote tutoring thanks to friendly computer programs that are currently managed by the young people and adults that make up the educational system.


Source: Universia

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