Bitcoin Lightning now available on Apple watches

The application may be downloaded from the iTunes store and can receive payments from the Bitcoin Lightning network on an Apple smart watch

The application was recently launched by Bluewallet, one of the most popular Lightning network portfolios. The new tool for Apple watches allows users to receive bitcoin through their new payment technology.

People who want to make a transaction can use the application on the smart watch to generate a QR code, a square-shaped bar code which another person can scan with their smartphone to send a payment.

A few days ago Bluewallet tweeted a preview of the application but it was yesterday that the innovation was made downloadable from the iTunes store. The product and UX engineer, Nuno Coelho, framed the application as an experiment and said: “We are doing a little experiment to put wallets on the watch. The first launches will be simple, allowing you to receive Lightning payments.”

It is worth emphasizing that it is very convenient to receive bitcoin with two wrist touches and it can be an important user experience, especially for the speed. Also, it has great utility if the person is buying bitcoin but does not feel comfortable bringing out the cell phone, so he can do it from the watch.


Source: Diario Bitcoin

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