Bitcoin is not the world’s most used cryptocurrency

The reports released by CoinMarketCap ensure that the digital asset was displaced by tether with more than 21,000 million dollars a day

The figures obtained from ensure that bitcoin ceased to be the most used cryptocurrency in the world, to give this position to tether.

According to company reports, the cryptocurrency outperformed bitcoin in April with $ 21 billion per day within the market flow.

Tether’s monthly trading volume is approximately 18% higher than that of bitcoin, making it possibly the most important currency in the crypto ecosystem.

Tether is also one of the main reasons why regulars are so suspicious of cryptocurrencies.

“If there is no tether, we lose a large amount of daily volume, around $ 1 billion or more, depending on the source of the data,” said Lex Sokolin, global financial technology co-leader at ConsenSys.

Today tether is considered the most widely used stable currency in the world, just as it is called an access route for most of the world’s active operators in the digital asset market.

K. Tovar

Source: Portafolio

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