Barbie inspires girls to explore coding and learn about robotics

The iconic Barbie doll will motivate girls to learn how to assemble robots and how to code through the most recent launching

Barbie has been the childhood companion of thousands of women for decades, almost six decades to be exact. At the begining it was considered the ideal girl, then it became what many people see as a gendered toy imposed by society.

However, Barbie has been teaching all these years to girls that they can have any career they want and that there is nothing to stop them and now it is the turn for the robotics doll engineer but innovation is not just a toy.

The idea of ​​Barbie is that the doll be able to teach girls that they also have a place in science and engineering careers. In addition, an exercise book and the program were launched so that the little girls really learn about programming and basic coding concepts.

According to statistics, women in computer jobs represent only 26% and it is expected that with measures such as the one that Mattel is applying figures change radically in the future, since more and more parents are buying their children toys with scientific orientation that provide learning for the future.


Source: FayerWayer

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