Amazon wins the right to “.amazon” domaine name

This week, Amazon won the right to use its name as an Internet domain despite opposition from Latin American countries in the region, which argued that the term should not be a monopoly of any company

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ((ICANN) ruled that Amazon “has the right to dispose exclusively of the Internet domain name ‘.amazon’, to the chagrin of several South American countries bordering the Amazon jungle that have fought against the US group for seven years. “

Brazil is one of the countries with the greatest insistence on getting the company not to obtain this right, arguing that the Amazon should be a protected natural region instead of becoming a symbol of a commercial monopoly.

One might think that it is a simple problem of semantics, since the name of the area translates into English as Amazon. However, the Foreign Ministry of Brazil has exposed reasons linked to the preservation of the environment, natural and cultural heritage. In any case, ICANN has confirmed that the US giant can now use its name as an Internet domain, with its variants.

The decision of ICANN in favor of Amazon came in the light of the fact that no agreement was reached between the company and representatives of the countries bordering the area. Those involved will have a period of 90 days to send their comments to the agency.

For its part, Amazon undertook not to use “.amazon” domain names in a context clearly related to the Amazon and to allow Amazonian countries to use several derived domain names “for non-commercial purposes” and to improve the visibility of this threatened region.”


Source: Bancaynegocios

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