Amazon offers USD 10,000 to employees for giving up

The e-commerce giant wants to create a package distribution network through the entrepreneurship of its own workforce

This Monday the electronic commerce giant Amazon announced that it will pay up to 10,000 dollars to employees who resign from the company in order to become independent entrepreneurs.

The company founded by Jeff Bezos aims to create package distribution chains based on the workforce of self-directed employees.

Not only will the company provide USD 10,000, but it also promised to include three months of salary for those who wish to undertake in this area. Likewise they will have guaranteed a considerable and constant volume of load.

This measure comes at a time when Amazon seeks to reduce its dependence on the activity of the US Postal Service and the giant FedEx delivery company. However, this is not the first time that the company has launched an initiative of this kind, since in 2018 they launched the “delivery service partner” program, through which interested employees are required to invest in their own business. and it estimates for this activity income of up to USD 300,000.

Since last year, about 200 people have started with new distribution companies for Amazon, and the company said it expects hundreds more with additional incentives, available in the United States, Britain and Spain.

“We received overwhelming interest from tens of thousands of people who applied to be part of the delivery services partner program, including many employees”, said Dave Clark, senior vice president of global operations.

K. Tovar

Source: Bancaynegocios

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