5G technology jumps from smartphone to home

What until now was seen as part of the future is getting closer: Internet in everyday life

The companies involved in the development of new technologies bet on the incorporation of the Internet into everyday life as soon as possible. The new 5G network will jump from the smartphone to the appliances, the car and almost every object of daily life.

It was the conclusion reached by the participants of the recent meeting organized by the Hispanic Caucus of the US Congress. The president of Samsung for North America, Tim Baxter, who inaugurated the debate on social and legislative challenges posed by this revolution, said: “If 3G and 4G networks put high-speed Internet in mobile phones, 5G will do so in everywhere”.

This technology is already present in some US cities, specifically in the state of California, such as Sacramento and Los Angeles. The expansion to the rest of the country is expected to be progressive.

The incorporation of 5G technology into healthcare systems, for example, or safety platforms in the vehicle, is now a reality. Users have more and more applications that allow them to interact in their residences and in the city.

In fact, we are currently talking about smart cities, where public services are part of an efficient communication network, with an immediate response, saving time and energy. The new 5G network will be present there to optimize, for example, traffic in large cities, waste collection, electoral processes, water and electricity supply, data management and citizen safety.


Source: Bancaynegocios

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