Experiments IV: Fire & Ice surprise with amazing images

The iPhone family continues to provide quality video production from each smartphone

The American company destined to produce electronic equipment, Apple, has launched a new edition on the iPhone 11 Pro showing how incredible images can be captured through Experiments IV: Fire & Ice.

The tool shows fans of the wide range of iPhone how to play with fire and ice through camera shots of the iPhone 11 Pro: “Immerse yourself in Experiments IV: Fire & Ice. See how the iPhone 11 Pro can capture incredible images of elements in their most extreme form … Our Experiments series creates stunning and dazzling worlds, all captured with an iPhone. Get lost in the abstract images of each episode.”

This is explained by the company in an advertising made to this innovative tool, where they also add that the Fire & Ice video was recorded on an iPhone 11 Pro by Donghoon Jun and James Thornton of Incite, under request of Apple.

Once again the American company focuses on capturing the attention of its fans after providing a variety of scenarios that put both elements into play (fire and ice) to give life to this short.

However, many will wonder how they managed to design a video of such quality. Fortunately there is a behind the scenes video. “Apple achieved a great video but the obvious recommendation is to enjoy it and not try to do it at home. Your smartphone can get very hurt or even you,” the company recommended to its customers.


Source: fayerwayer

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