International Internet Day, 30 years connecting the world

Through the "World Wide Web", which this month celebrates 30 years, millions of people remain interconnected daily, send emails, tweets, enjoy videos on social networks, study, work and obtain knowledge

The International Internet Day is celebrated on May 17th. Until now, 30 years have passed since the appearance of this communication network present in every corner of the planet, through desktop computers, laptops, tablets and cell phones.

The creation of the “World Wide Web” revolutionized human relations, business and all areas of knowledge. Communication boundaries were eliminated, companies learned to take advantage of the Intranet and increased their productivity.

Nowadays, the main characteristic of the network is its immediacy. People have the opportunity to make banking transactions, purchases, payments, know the news and issue comments or share them in a few seconds. On the other hand, academic training is also possible online as well as videoconferencing.

Internet is present in all human activities: work from home through the computer, remote medical attention, online courses, entertainment and electronic banking.

Every day new users are added to the network. Toucan Toco, a company expert in data analysis and visualization, points out that the number of users in the world is 4,388 million. According to its projections, in 2021 there will be 25,000 million devices connected to the Internet.

Millions of new users join the Internet every day

The amount of data generated by the global interaction on the network grows between 8 and 10 zettabytes per year. On the other hand, social networks capture new users daily, with an estimated over 1,000 million people on Instagram and YouTube, more than 2,200 billion on Facebook and more than 326 million on Twitter.

An analysis of what happens on the Internet in a minute yielded the following results: 4.5 million videos viewed on YouTube, 1 million sessions initiated on Facebook, sending of 41.6 million messages through Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp; sending of 188 million emails via Gmail; 3.8 million searches on Google; 347,222 Instagram browsing; 87,500 active people on Twitter; 390,030 applications downloaded in Google Play and App Store, among others.



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