False application of MetaMask spread viruses on Android

Security experts from the ESET company detected the malware and alerted Google to the application of the relevant measures

The security company ESET, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, recently identified a virus known as a “clipper” that affected computers with the Android system.

It is a fraudulent application of MetaMask that “replaced the addresses of Ethereum by others allegedly of the person who controls the malware”.

Through its official blog, ESET explained that the fake application of Google Play Store intercepts the clipboard of Android devices and if there finds addresses of cryptocurrency wallets it replaces them with addresses of the attacker.

The virus passes itself off as MetaMask, “a service that allows its users to access applications and services hosted on the Ethereum network. The main objective of this supposed application of MetaMask is to steal the credentials of MetaMask users and their private keys, so it can access their Ethereum funds.”

The alert launched by the security team of the company ESET led Google to remove the application from the Play Store to provide peace of mind to customers.


Source: El Criptógrafo

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