Facebook and Twitter are not invited to White House Network Summit

The North American government will hold a summit of Social Networks in the White House next Thursday but two of the most important companies in this sector do not appear among the guests

It is been said that the summit includes a session of denunciations by right-wing politicians about the political content that is disseminated through the platforms. Therefore, one of the reasons why Trump decided not to invite Facebook and Twitter to the event could be the alleged political bias that their social networks have against the conservatives.

It is worth noting that Trump said in a recent interview that Twitter prevented him from transmitting his messages and that behind these actions were presumably the Democrats. However, the president is one of the most famous users of the platform with more than 61.8 million followers currently.

So far there is no evidence that Trump supporters are under constant manipulation by the social network.

The White House has not issued an official announcement about the summit guests but several of the attendees have published their invitations on Internet platforms.

Undoubtedly, the most astonishing invited is the Research Media Center, a conservative organization that has repeatedly raised its voice to criticize homosexuality, the existence of Transamericans and promotes even racism.


Source: Tekcrispy

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